The Financial Services Department maintains a high standard of financial excellence by providing the citizens, vendors and co-workers with exceptional, ethical and professional customer service through the collection and disbursement of funds, financial reporting, management of assets, risks, administrative and procurement services.

The Department is composed of five divisions: General Administrative Support; Accounting; Management Information Systems; Purchasing and Utility Services.

Divisional Responsibilities

General Administrative Support - The director is responsible for establishing and maintaining sound fiscal polices for the town; producing and monitoring the town’s Capital Improvement Plan and Annual Operating Budget; preparing the town’s Comprehensive Annual Finance Statement and managing the annual audit; cash management and investing;  debt management. The division is also responsible for the town’s mail and other administrative duties.

Accounting is responsible for collecting and disbursing town funds; processing the payroll of the town and its fiscal agencies; issuance of business licenses; local tax billing and administration; delinquent tax collection; accounts receivable billing and collection of parking tickets. The division is also responsible for internal financial reporting.

Management Information Systems is responsible for the support and maintenance of the town’s integrated financial management system and for preparing financial and administrative reports.

Purchasing is responsible for all of the town’s purchases in accordance with federal, state and town laws and policies. The division also develops specifications, obtains bids and proposals, evaluates responses and recommends awards of appropriate bids and proposals. The division maintains vendor files and vendor relationships. The division is also responsible for the town’s supplies warehouse and the disposal of surplus property.

Utility Services is responsible for billing and collection of the town’s water, sewer, refuse and recycling services. This includes the registration and connection of new customers, reading and maintenance of the meters, and collection of delinquent accounts.